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  • Writer's pictureHudson Valley Singers

December 11 Rehearsal

Dear singers,

Good work and thank you for an exciting run through. As often in rehearsal, I come up with lots of suggestions and demands, failing to acknowledge the good - and there's a lot of good and excellent. Rather than commenting on individual pieces, this time I'd like to stress the need to see our program as a whole, anticipating each piece, living it and hearing it the moment you're done with the previous. We'll practice that each rehearsal - 12/18, 1/8 and 1/15.

A piece that still needs work is the Moscow. Please continue to review the text especially before rehearsals, to save time. It is impressive already, but I'd like it to be an unexpected smashing success. For that you have to memorize all the key sentences: 1) a start of each phrase at the beginning, 2) p. 4 bottom, 3) fugal entrances bottom 6 and 7. Listen to the recording and repeat, repeat, repeat. We are looking for SPLENDOR and it comes from the consonants extra articulated.

Please continue giving feedback. I fully trust in singers' ability to hear the music their own way and to suggest interesting and valuable ideas.

My address is

We, the many, treasure moments in our concerts. So that there are more of those moments we'll continue to look for inspiration in each note! Have a wonderful week.


646 504 6436

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