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Update from Eu

Eu Sirotkine

I hope, everyone is safe and healthy! The decision was just officially made at the Hudson Valley Singers online meeting to, tentatively, postpone our Nabucco production to November 2020, contingent upon everyone's availability, including "our audience!"

It appears, that to reschedule for an earlier date would be a risk, although the idea is not ruled out. Everyone on the board agrees, to review the conditions weekly. I will inform you of any changes and plans immediately. You always know, that I value you as musicians, and friends, and that you can count on my commitment to you.

More will come so soon, for now though, couldn't resist quoting here from the immortal "Notes from The Underground", - as appropriate today, as they were then...

Look to the days ahead

Gather your prayers like roses

Think of the life that waits after the battle's over

Look to the land beyond you

Out where the fields are golden

There will be gifts untold, after the battle's over

If I should not return, know that you are my pleasure

Shelter yourselves, my treasures, until the battle's over

Somewhere a breeze is drifting over a blue-green ocean

There will be time for beauty after the battle's over

Children, I must be going - cherish your mother's memory

Now turn these words to ashes antes que seja tarde

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Dear singers,

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