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  • Writer's pictureHudson Valley Singers

January 8 Rehearsal

Dear singers,

Thank you for an inspiring rehearsal last night! Many glorious moments.

If I could ask for one thing, this time it is FLEXIBILITY.

In HAYDN we need most effective opening bars, sustained energy and spark throughout.

In TANEYEV we plunge into the most profound pianissimo.

As often, the way we begin the very first bars determines the character of the entire piece, especially when it's short.

RAMEAU is a joke, laughter and mockery.

SCHUMANN is all poetry and nature, adoration with tears.

BERLIOZ was particularly good last night, bravissimi!

So was HANDEL!

HONEGGER is a longer work, we need to look ahead into what comes in the next bar, next phrase. It builds up in layers, sopranos uniting all.

PURCELL is light as a feather, but melodious, not jerky, not too fast, airy.

In VIVALDI we play a game and the second chorus is NOT SECONDARY!

MOZART watch out for entrances, listen closely to the accompaniment and prepare your attack with sustained breath.

MOSCOW we do great! Be confident. You might be insecure with the text but I hear the words OK and the effect I get is stunning. You know more than you think. Make it look and sound splendid like those golden doms! And smile!

Finally, eyes up! More, more, more, please!

Watch out for the standing chart sometime before coming Wednesday.


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