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Spring Board Meeting Minutes

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Hudson Valley Singers

Spring Board Meeting Minutes

April 5th, 2014

  • Financials

  • We are in good shape financially, with $12,000 currently in the bank and another $4,000 expected in ticket sales from members.

  • Expenditures for the next concert include: $9,000 for the orchestra, $2,500 for soloists, and $2,000 to rent the NYC venue, for a total of $13,500. There is potential to spend an additional $500 to include a timpani among the musicians. If concert attendance is good, the budget should come out with a surplus.

  • Winter Concert Post-Mortem

  • The Basket Raffle was a great success. Good idea to continue parts of this, particularly during the winter concert where there are fewer logistical issues to deal with. Holiday time a plus.

  • Art contest a good idea. Ideas to improve: HVS communication directly to students, improve direction as to desired product. Art should reflect spirit of music being performed. Idea could be grantable in a year or two – would require additional work to bring to life. Expand to additional schools. Risk is that students may not understand what is needed. How should we involve Eugene in this process? We could ask him what he wishes to portray and go from there. Possibly have Eugene go speak with students and critique what they are doing (also grantable). Decide after spring concert how art will be handled moving forward. Add item to next agenda.

  • Volunteers needed for upcoming concert?

  • This year’s NYC location is a new venue. Volunteers will be needed to monitor the many entrances to the building. Monitors will accept tickets and let people in, or to direct them to the main entrance where tickets are being sold and collected.

  • Stage crew needed?

  • A stage crew will only be necessary at the NYC venue. Current tentative plan is for four people. This will be confirmed Monday April 14. The HVS will set up risers in White Plains church.

  • Photography and Staff

  • An information sheet for volunteers and photographers needs to be developed and provided to individuals serving in this capacity. This information sheet will define the expectations for both photographers and staff (volunteers).

  • The dress code for photographers and staff will be white shirts, black bottoms, and identification badges.

  • MOTION: Create a committee that will establish a policy for photography/videography that will be provided to all performers and hired vendors.

  • Made: Carol Morse

  • Second: Gunnar Anderson

  • Passed unanimously

  • For this concert, Randee will develop the photographer instructions and submit to Eugene and the Executive Board for review and approval. Once approved, copies will be provided to Eu and soloists. David Parker will chair a committee to determine actual policy in the fall.

  • Raffles, fundraising, and donations did not necessarily generate significant additional ticket sales, but word about the concert did reach a significantly larger population. Observations of this initial trial include the following:

  • Audrey should be paid, as she contributes significant effort.

  • Correlate each basket with how many tickets were purchased for each.

  • Coordinate photos of winners and baskets.

  • Microphone required for prize distribution.

  • Need to strive to sell more raffle tickets.

  • Brainstorm and bring ideas for helping JCY and how to implement them to the HVS.

  • MOTION: Create a committee that will analyze the first attempt at the raffle and donation effort and propose to improvements and execute those improvements for the next event.

  • Made: Carol Morse

  • Second: Randee Ginsberg

  • Passed unanimously

  • Erika to pull together members for a first meeting to discuss and decide who will steer committee and how to approach group for additional help.

  • Press Kit Needed

  • Should include bios for the chorus, Eugene, and soloists.

  • Should include a history of the chorus and notes about the program.

  • Should also include photographs and video.

  • Concert Issues

  • NYC Venue

  • Volunteers will be needed to monitor the many entrances to the building. Monitors will accept tickets and let people in, or to direct them to the main entrance where tickets are being sold and collected.

  • A stage crew will be necessary move chairs into performance area. Current tentative plan is for four people. This will be confirmed Monday April 14.

  • Hiring a Photographer

  • Photographers retained by the HVS are instructed to not shoot photos from aisles. At a previous concert, a photographer not retained by the HVS shot from the center aisle. As indicated above, a set of rules which apply to all photographers needs to be developed and enforced.

  • Potential skilled photographer (Linda McCracken’s husband) may be willing to take photos for free. Need to ask and find out.

  • A photo opportunity featuring both the chorus and the orchestra is needed for publicity. The tentative time for this opportunity is during dress rehearsal, likely at White Plains.

  • Drawing an Audience

  • Need to “get back to basics”, meaning that the singers need to bring in the audience and should start working on it as early as possible. The Executive Board should encourage all HVS members to tell everyone they about the show. This should become a regular talking point during rehearsals.

  • Posters and press releases should be available for distribution early.

  • The landing page of the website is currently the recruitment page. This does not need to change, but there should be a significant link to next show, date, time, venue, program, etc.

  • Craft Fair

  • Holding a craft fair is a daunting task which requires a great deal of preliminary work; implementation will require an active committee. The idea should be considered, but time is required to figure out the best way to do it. It would also be necessary to engage someone with experience to assist. Melanie will continue to research and look for ways to pare it down.

  • The committee could start with the basics - organize how to charge people table fees and (possibly) entrance fees, decide how to split earnings, venue fees, etc.

  • It could be possible to coordinate the crafts fair with one of the fall HVCS shows, though a potential issue lies in audience size – it may end up being a lot of work for very little return.

  • It could also be possible to hold the fair at the White Plains Church, potentially using outside areas. Weather may turn out to be an issue.

  • If this idea were to be implemented, it should start small and select, with a few vendors; however quality vendors are choosy and tend to look for established events. It may be difficult to get vendors for the fall.

  • As the raffle was successful, another one should be planned for the fall concert. Putting on a craft fair can be placed on hold until the committee and Board have a better idea of what it will entail.

  • Report on HVCS Activities

  • Two grants were received for the outreach group: one to create more professional press materials, and one to perform three concerts that will reach underserved audiences.

  • $1000 was received from Arts Westchester, and

  • $1000 was received from St. Barnabas

  • Sell HVS canvas bags and T-shirts to members and at HVCS Barnes and Noble concert.

  • Sell tickets to HVS concert at the Barnes and Noble event.

  • Web Site Suggestions

  • The landing page of the website is currently the recruitment page. This does not need to change, but there should be a significant link to next show, date, time, venue, program, etc.

  • Make sure calendar is updated. Include all rehearsals, meetings, times, and instructions on summer rehearsals.

  • Call times and dress codes should be included, as well as instructions on how to retrieve the music.

  • Other Business

  • Tables at the Hasting Street Fair and the Dobbs Ferry Street Fair.

  • Ad placement – mix ads throughout the program material – may help get more ads from businesses.

  • Need to drive home the importance of selling ads to the members. Members need to get ads.

  • All board members need to make a donation, regardless of amount.

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