Hudson Valley Singers
Board Meeting Minutes
February 22nd, 2015
Meeting called to order 12:45pm.
All Executive Board Members in attendance.
Announcements made.
Accurate budgeting of Winter Performance
Current remaining funds around $12,000
Return of payment from Natalia
Winter Concert Post Mortem
Greater success with raffles
Motion to request singers to either contribute food or $10 for concert reception.
Motion made by Randee G.
Seconded by Verna M.
Motion passed.
Planning for St. Matthews Passion
Discussion of concerts in the city and Westchester
Possible alternative to White Plains venue – St. Casimir
Push for recruitment
Concert date options for concert dates:
Sunday, May 15th in White Plains
Saturday, May 21st in the city
Concert Program
Implement processes to make program creation easier
Deadlines for each piece - ads, content, member’s names, etc.
Quality control – a week prior to print date, the program goes out to review
Pursue more information on InDesign and Creative Cloud
Shared access to a single license?
New Policy for Concert Recordings and Photography
Motion: The Board may make or commission audio recordings, video recordings and photography of any concert performance, which shall be the property of The Hudson Valley Singers.
Motion made by Melanie A.
Seconded by Verna M.
Motion Passed.
The board will request that a given person be responsible for the distribution, collection and tracking of release forms for musicians and soloists. Randee G. will follow up.
Motion: The executive board will hold a 30 minute meeting prior to rehearsal (at the rehearsal venue) on the 3rd rehearsal of each month.
Motion made by Carol M.
Seconded by Randee G.
Motion passed.
Nominating Committee
Carol M. and David P. will discuss this.
Ads and Mailing Lists
One free raffle ticket for joining the mailing list
Informational slips in each program?
Volunteer to cover collecting emails at concerts
Elena P. has agreed to maintain the marketing and fundraising email list
Encourage corporate and business ad purchases in the summer/fall to include in both the Winter and Spring programs, and personal ads in the winter/spring for the Spring program.
Section leaders collect 4 emails for marketing purposes from each singer in their section – calls will be made to people who do not give emails
Email for personal marketing (to be written by Randee G.)
HVCS Update
Applied for grants from ArtsWestchester and St. Barnabas and should receive status updates shortly
Another Barnes & Noble concert
Performance at the St. Barnabas dinner
Upcoming Public Concerts
April 26th at Andrus Springfest
May 17th at the Will Library
Contact information for the members of the board of directors and section leaders will be added to the website.
Ask members for their opinions about a public list of information
Add a History page for all program history and flyers
Add an “In the News” page with articles, links and press releases
Add Amazon Smile link
David M. will print out 2 copies of the current members roster to pass around at rehearsals for confirmation and correction.
Meeting adjourned 3:30pm.